Matt's Quarries

From TNTable
Matt's Quarries
Project Details
Created By Matt
Server Varies
Construction Details
Construction Began Varies
Completed Ongoing

Matt has gained on the TNTable server a reputation for digging massive square hole quarries in the ground down to bedrock. Below is a list of all current known quarries.

List of Appearances



The first quarry by Matt on the TNTable Server happened on the Shaynevasion server, and was created within TNTopolis' neighborhood sector. The smallest quarry in history, it was a simple hole in the ground with a shoddy 1-wide cobblestone staircase working down to its bottom. There was no water at the bottom of the quarry, with even parts of its bottom ripped apart down to bedrock, with the staircase never being extended down to it.

The dimensions of the quarry stood at 8x8, was 69 blocks deep, and finished at 14y. In total, its volume was 4416 cubic blocks.

Chicken and Iron

Main Article: Community Quarry

The construction of quarries returned to form on the Chicken and Iron with the creation of the Community Quarry in the shared build space the players lived in. The first of many builds by Matt on the server world, the low-effort build saw a more safe but one-toned oak plank scaffolding design for travel. A wooden elevator car was created for aesthetic, but was left floating without any shaft as focus shifted to other desirable projects. It would come to exist underneath the CN Tower built by David.

The dimensions of the quarry stood at 9x9, was 77 blocks deep, and finished at 8y. In total, its volume was 6237 cubic blocks.

Castles & Casinos & Villages

Village Quarry

The Village Quarry was the first of two quarries constructed on the Castles & Casinos & Villages server, and is located within the Dark Oak Village. Landmarked by its construction area surface entrance with wooden shafting encasing its interior, the quarry acted as the main of two methods to enter Matt's mining area, and is positioned next to Matt's Slime Farm. It was traversable by minecart and had water at its center for quick downward travel.

The dimensions of the quarry stood at 12x12, was 53 blocks deep, and finished at 10y. In total, its volume was 7632 cubic blocks.

Spawn Quarry

Main Article: Spawn Quarry

The Spawn Quarry was the second quarry constructed on the Castles & Casinos & Villages server, and is located within the server's Spawn. It is identical in scope to the Village Quarry in its wooden shafting, central water pocket, and use of minecart accessibility, but was instead landmarked by a giant industrial crane decoration. The quarry acted as an access point to the Spawn mineshafts, and was bordered by the Spawn Slime Farm.

The dimensions of the quarry stood at 11x11, was 54 blocks deep, and finished at 11y. In total, its volume was 6532 cubic blocks.

Monuments, Snowglobes & Red Team

A quarry within the Lush Ravine was planned to be built, and would have been different from others as it would begin at deepslate level. The hole itself was dug out within the depths of the Lush Ravine and traveled all the way to bedrock level, but any scaffolding or other build to signify its quarry status was never built. At server close, the quarry carved out at a record 22x22, was around 60 blocks deep, and had a volume of approximately 29040 cubic blocks.

Current Server

Returning to the distinction of quarries, the quarry of Megaussy is a joint build project and excavation site on the Current Server world. A wooden scaffolding structure similar to those from Castles & Casinos & Villages was built to transport players safely into the mines below, while also traversing through both large caves that naturally spawned the mountain, where the quarry exists. Contrary to previous quarry iterations, however, this is the first quarry whose dig site is both the structure and areas surrounding it.

As of August 28th, 2024, the dimensions of the quarry is 36x46, with a peak of 71y and an initial base of 5y, with a deepslate extension of 34x27 going down to -57y, for a total approximate volume of 166212 cubic blocks.