
From TNTable
Member Since 2011/2012
Affiliations TNTable
Active Yes

Benjamin (Ben) is a player on the server under the username Captain_Kirby. Benjamin (Ben) is notable for building mob/crop farms at the top of a server... not playing for months (or years), then having a laugh with his server mates when he gets back on. He has been close with most of his server mates since the start of TNTable as a whole.

Captain_Kirby's Back

He is also notable for usually having a mercenary work business on each server, which he uses his knowledge of potion brewing and mechanics to help complete his contracts.

Recently he was part of the Compost Bin Hot Tub which occurred at this residence.

Fun times. More to come.


  • Ben is one of the only known members who has achieved the Mercenary Advancement
Mercenary Achivement
  • Enjoys Pokémon, Nintendo and One Piece a bit much.
    • No one should tell Matthew that he learned of the Kid Icarus skin... and wants to know more.
  • Once on a Dwarves Vs Zombies (DvZ) server his skin got the whole server to type the Pokemon Theme Song in chat. A glorious day.