TNTable Server Wiki

This is the TNTable server wiki, it was created to record and document events, lore and anything else worth documenting on the TNTable server. Please make an account if you wish to add and edit pages. If you notice any strange accounts or edit behaviour report it to David and those users will be blocked.
This wiki covers anything and everything related to the TNTable community and server.
The most common links you need will be in the sidebar, for example the current server's page, as well as information about our custom advancements, and custom crafting recipes all added with datapacks.
Be sure to check out our website for news, and the complete list of older maps. Included is a server map render that is updated every 2 days to reflect the map on the SMP server.
About TNTable
The Nerd Table began in 2011 when we needed a Minecraft server for a school project. It has since grown into a gaming community with a Minecraft SMP server, a community developed UHC server, and other game servers by request.
A Brief History
In 2011 we needed a server to create a short film in Minecraft. The project was a hit amongst ourselves and teachers, so we continued to use Minecraft for projects when we could. Michael (88were) had dubbed the group “The Nerd Table” or TNTable for short, and the name stuck. The server became available 24/7 in 2012 when I acquired an old Compaq desktop, featuring a whopping 4GB of DDR2 RAM, and an 80GB IDE drive. We have run many different servers through the years such as modded, and a vanilla team death match server. However we always come back to vanilla SMP, and have had an SMP server running through all the Minecraft versions since 2013.
Read more about the history here: TNTable History Book.
Everyone is encouraged to contribute to the wiki however they can, whether it be through edits or creating new pages. Add anything you wish, the goal is to create a substantial wiki with content solely from the servers.
Here is our contribution guide so you can orient yourself and begin adding your knowledge and lore to the wiki. It is also in the sidebar.
TLDR: Just write, even if you just start pages and leave it blank. Others will come in and fill in information, or you can go back and fill it in yourself. Just be sure to link to it from as many pages as are relevant.
If you are looking for inspiration, there are Wanted Pages and Short Pages links in the side bar.