Current Server 2024

From TNTable
Revision as of 11:18, 31 July 2024 by Dmallette (talk | contribs) (Added information about the datapacks)
Current Server
Server Details
Start Date July 31, 2024
End Date
Duration Ongoing
Minecraft Versions
Start Version 1.21
Map Server Map

This is the current server on Minecraft. This page name will be updated and page moved when the server is done and named.

Server Locations

Featured Attractions


Features of Spawn

Other Projects

Notable Events



There is a selection of plugins and datapacks. Below, I have summarized the most common commands, but then created a page for each plugin to detail its usage further.


See HuskHomes for more details on the functionality of this plugin. However, the most commonly used commands are listed below.

  • Send a request to teleport to a player: /tpa <player_name>
  • Accept a teleport request: /tpaccept or /tpyes
  • Send a request to teleport a player to you: /tphere <player_name>
  • Teleport to spawn: /spawn
  • Teleport to the last place you teleported from, or died at: /back


Each player can create 10 private homes, and 10 public homes.

  • Create a new home: /sethome <optional_name>
  • Teleport to a home: /home <optional_home_name>

Sitting & Other Positions

The server features GSit which is a plugin that lets players sit on objects, as well as pose in a selection of different positions. See the page for GSit for all details, the most common commands are listed below.

  • Sit - /sit or rRight click with an empty hand on a step or other sitting-type blocks.
  • Lay - /lay
  • Bellyflop - /bellyflop
  • Spin - /spin

Other Plugins & Datapacks

TNTable Datapack

The TNTable Datapack adds a selection of Crafting Recipes and Advancements to the server. There is a new command introduced to configure per-player if you hear the cannon sound when a player dies on the server. This can be configured with /trigger disable_death_cannon.

Vanilla Tweaks Packs

Here is a list of Vanilla Tweaks datapacks that are included, along with any associated commands or instructions. Some have their own page for explanations.

  • Armour Statues - Extensive datapack that allows the manipulation of armour stands to put them in various poses.


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