Relog & Recover

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The remnants of Matt's bridge

The Relog & Recover was the name of a recovery mission enacted by Matt, in response to an S.O.S. sent out by Angus, at an early point in time on the Monuments, Snowglobes & Red Team world.


As Angus was bridging across the nether, he accidentally fell about 30 blocks into the lava oceans below. Acting quickly, he took a screenshot of his co-ordinates, and logged off the server to prevent taking lethal damage. He then sent out an S.O.S. to a handful of people who were currently in a Discord call for help, to which Matt responded to.

Venturing out to the extraction site, Matt built out from a lower down netherrack island parallel with the lava ocean to the provided co-ordinates. Once there, he dropped a 4x3 area's worth of gravel and pushed back the lava where Angus had fallen. Next, he destroyed the two inner blocks of the new gravel tower, pillared down with ladders, and placed a cauldron with water at the base to extinguish Angus. As Angus relogged to the server, he successfully landed into the water, barely harmed and able to escape with all his belongings.


  • The remnants of the extraction site, including both bridges, was re-discovered around eight months later on September 24th, 2022, by Matt, after his portal constructed in a Badlands Mesa coincidentally landed right next to it.